How To Remain Positive And Motivated Daily – 5 Tips

Do you ever wonder how some people you know remain positive, motivated and cheerful most of the time? Here are some tips that should help from day-to-day.

You are what you eat.

You’ve heard this well known phrase before (and well known TV programme… the UK anyway) and I always remember my Dad telling me as a child that the day will be better with “a cup of tea in the morning”. My Dad likes to speak in riddles and parables from time-to-time but I guess he meant that a healthy breakfast gets you kick-started for the day ahead,  whatever it may bring.

This phrase can be used for the mental as well as the physical. Feeding your brain with positive audio, books or videos may help pre-frame your mind for the day ahead and look for the positive aspects or opportunities in whatever may come. Personally, I like start my day off watching a couple of motivational youtube clips (or Abraham Hicks videos) on my phone and listening/singing to some positive songs in the shower (that awkward moment when your flatmate can hear you singing in the shower from a different room).



When you hear “goal setting” you tend to think about business short, medium and long term goals but I’m talking about planning your day in advance. Have a simple diary and basically sit in bed and write down some actions that you must take the next day to get you closer to what you want. Then at the end of the day review what went well, what actions were completed and what lessons were learned that day…the main thing is to celebrate any action that was completed…it’s all about those little steps that lead up to the “destination”.


Birds of a feather flock together

Another common saying that speaks for itself.  Do you find it difficult to stay positive in work when your co-workers just moan and groan about their job?

If you want to stay focussed, motivated and positive then hang around people that are more positive, motivated etc because you’ll find that you naturally become more like them.

Obviously in work you can’t just leave the building whenever someone you work with starts unloading their negativity on you. However, a good friend of mine gave me this tip (which I posted on my facebook page a couple months ago) for when people you simply can’t avoid are being negative; let them finish, then smile and say (in your head):

“Thank you for your gift…but you can keep it”

At the end of the day, everyone has gifts to give but we can choose whether or not to accept them.


Accept the pain

This is something that many people (even me sometimes) are afraid of. The thing is, to get to that next level we are going to need to go through some pain or “turbulence”.

An example for me was when I wanted to condition my body to get stronger and more flexible. A friend came over to help me (remember “birds of a feather”) and took me through his workout, which involved; stretching, 120 press-ups and 300 sit-ups. The pain was unbearable; also after the session I didn’t even have the strength to lift a piece of paper and for a whole week my abs hurt whenever I laughed (and I like to laugh, a lot!). However, the pain passed and when we came round to doing the workout again I could do it better without so much “sound effects”.

To sum it up:

“Pain is temporary. It may last a minute, or an hour, or a day, or a year, but eventually it will subside and something else will take its place. If I quit, however, it lasts forever.” – Lance Armstrong

The last and most important tip

This last tip is the most important one of all…if there is only one thing you remember from this post it should definitely be this….subscribe to this blog and/or like the page! 😉


Hope you found this helpful and please post in the comments what things you find helpful in keeping your mindset positive and motivated 🙂


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Founder and Blogger of Good Thoughts About Life (GTAL), based in Manchester (UK). Passionate about personal growth and the universal laws. Check out the "About Jon" page for his story.

One comment

  1. Araceli P. Hernandez



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