How Bad Do You Want It?

As mentioned in my post about How To Remain Positive And Motivated Daily, I like to watch or read something positive in the morning. These two videos have BLOWN ME AWAY and I have been watching them on repeat everyday for over a week.

The response from friends, family and subscribers when this was posted on Good Thoughts About Life Facebook page has been remarkable. Whether you’re exercising at the gym, studying or just need a bit of general motivation to get you in the right mindset in the morning you should definitely check these videos out.


The voice over was done by a guy named Eric Thomas, who’s a motivational speaker, he has a youtube channel where he posts videos titled TGIM (Thank God It’s Monday), which aim to motivate and inspire people on a Monday morning.

The athlete working out in the video is called Giavanni Ruffin. Obviously this guy didn’t just wake up and start working out so intensively straight away, he had a journey and ambition from when he was younger to this present day, you can check out his documentary, MY Ambition.

Personally I like the messages of “When you want to be successful as bad as you want to breathe, then you’ll be successful” and “Take no Days Off”. Whatever you’re going for, you may not like the journey or process but if you really want that goal you’ll push through day in, day out to get where you want to be.

“You may encounter many defeats, but you must not be defeated. In fact, it may be necessary to encounter the defeats, so you can know who you are, what you can rise from, how you can still come out of it.” – Maya Angelou


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Founder and Blogger of Good Thoughts About Life (GTAL), based in Manchester (UK). Passionate about personal growth and the universal laws. Check out the "About Jon" page for his story.

One comment

  1. YOooo! John! This is fantastic! I didn’t even know there was a part two, I wrote about the first video a long time ago…

    So pleased to hear ET rock it hard on part 2.

    Love that it’s still Greyskale Media reppin’ hard.

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